人工智慧 人機互動-AI4kids

Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction-AI4kids

Intelligent machines need multiple types of knowledge to interact naturally with humans. Computers integrate multiple types of artificial intelligence, such as image recognition, voice recognition, automated robots, etc., to achieve natural interaction with humans. Let children actually come into contact with smart machines and equipment, understand the operating principles behind robots, and know their limitations.

Table of Contents

Examples of human-computer interaction

● Intelligent assistants, such as Siri and Alexa ● Chatbots ● Gesture and facial expression recognition

Ask questions about AI human-computer interaction capabilities:

● Do computers make rational inferences like humans? ● Will computers have self-awareness?

Key Concepts

● How do computers understand language ● How do computers determine emotions in language ● How do computers infer and respond to language ● Limitations of AI human-computer interaction

How should students face artificial intelligence?

Elementary school first and second grade:

● Identify words with positive and negative meanings in the story● Identify facial expressions and label them as appropriate emotions (happy, sad, angry), and explain the labeling criteria● Use software that can recognize facial emotions

Elementary school third to sixth grade:

● Construct how humans combine multiple inputs (voice pitch, facial expressions, gestures, etc.) to communicate ● Describe where AI outperforms humans and where it falls short

Junior high school 1st to 3rd grade:

● Build a simple chatbot ● Explain and give examples of linguistic ambiguity ● Learn how to determine if a bot is intelligent

High school 1st to 3rd year:

● Demonstrate how the sentence parser handles ambiguity ● Explore the Google Knowledge Graph ● Identify and debate AI issues and the question of whether AI is conscious

For more information please Refer to the book published by AI4kids <Learning AI is Really Easy Series - Machine Learning>

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