
Explain what artificial intelligence is in one sentence? - AI4kids

When it comes to artificial intelligence, how would you explain it?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines created by humans to exhibit intelligence. It usually means that computers can "simulate" human thinking processes or exhibit human behavioral capabilities. For example: reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception, the ability to move objects, use tools and operate machinery, etc.

And AI is no longer a thing of the future! You may not feel it, but AI has already been realized in our lives. For example: The artificial intelligence that is most relevant to our lives is mobile phones and computers. As long as you speak into the phone, there will be a voice response that can help confirm your itinerary or make a call, and provide the most appropriate driving route planning. The advancement of artificial intelligence has also made its services more and more extensive and integrated into the operation of modern society. There are many mobile phone applications with built-in voice assistants and chatbots. They use artificial intelligence technology to recognize what you say and make inferred responses.


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How did artificial intelligence develop?

Computer science was just beginning in the 1950s, but research on artificial intelligence soon faced a bottleneck - computer programs are written by humans, and when humans do not know the solution to a problem, the computer cannot solve it either. At that time, the amount of digital data collected by computers was insufficient, and coupled with the difficulties of the hardware environment, early artificial intelligence could only solve some algebraic problems and mathematical proofs, making it difficult to apply in practice.


In 1975, Intel founder Gordon Moore observed that the number of transistors that could be accommodated on a semiconductor chip doubled every 18 months, and the computing power and storage capacity of computers grew rapidly in accordance with "Moore's law Note 1". Today, the computing power of computers is about 1 million times that of 30 years ago. TSMC even boldly predicts that by 2050, the size of transistors will be reduced to 0.1 nanometers, equivalent to the size of a hydrogen atom.

Note 1 Moore's Law was proposed by Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel. The content is: the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double approximately every two years; the often-referenced "18 months" was proposed by Intel CEO David House: it is expected that chip performance will double every 18 months (that is, more transistors make it faster), which is an observation of exponential growth.


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The core technologies of artificial intelligence include machine learning and deep learning, which use large amounts of data to allow computers to "learn" the characteristics of the data and make predictions. In specific areas, through large-scale and rapid "learning", it has been proven that its ability is sufficient to surpass humans.

For more information please Refer to the book published by AI4kids <Learning AI is Really Easy Series - Machine Learning>

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