
Representation and Reasoning - AI4kids

Learn knowledge representation and various reasoning algorithms, understand how computers classify and identify information, make inferences and generate decisions, from learning simple classification, multiple classification to the application of decision tree algorithms.

Examples of representation and reasoning

● Path planning representation for self-driving cars: city map, environment reasoning around the car: find the best path to the destination

● Search engine representation: Reasoning about the content of a web page: choosing which pages to present and ranking them by relevance


google search engine

● Chess, checkers, backgammon, and go representation: Reasoning about the state of the game: which move has the best outcome

● Design school bus routes Representation: how many students and where they live, how many buses and how many seats there are Reasoning: Plan bus routes and stops

Key Concepts

● Types of representations ● The relationship between algorithms and reasoning: algorithms have a lot to do with the way we understand ● Various algorithms and how they work ● Limitations of common algorithms

Indicators of students’ learning ability at different stages

Elementary school first and second grade

● Build a model of something and compare it to the thing being modeled ● Use decision trees to make decisions

Elementary school third to sixth grade:

● Design a tree structure to make an animal classification system ● Describe how AI can reason and answer questions

Junior high school 1st to 3rd grade:

● Design a map of their home and surroundings and infer the shortest distance from their home to important institutions ● Design a tree structure to classify animals

High school 1st to 3rd year:

● Draw a tic-tac-toe decision tree ● Describe the differences between types of algorithms

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