
Python is 30 years old and widely used to simplify things-AI4kids

Python Creation

During Christmas in 1989, in order to kill time, the Dutchman Guido van Rossum began to design a language compiler, which was later named Python, and it has been more than 30 years since then.

Origin of the name Python

Guido Van Rossum originally named the programming language Python after the famous 1970s comedy group Monty Python's TV series "Monty Python's Flying Circus" because he was an absolute fan of this TV series. Due to cultural differences, it is difficult for us to understand now why Guido van Rossum loves this TV series so much.

Later, in order to avoid paying copyright fees for the name, the publisher printed a giant python on the cover of the Python book. When taking computer classes, we explain to children that python means python in English, but the python we are learning is a very simple and powerful programming language.

Simple and clear features

Python is praised for its simplicity. Among the many features of Python, what makes it different from other languages ​​is indentation. Python uses indentation to make the code hierarchy clear and easy to read, thereby improving the readability of the code.

Other languages ​​use brackets to indicate different code blocks, while Python uses indentation, which is more like the paragraph organization of ordinary text and is easier for children to understand and write. If you enter the following in the Python IDE


You will see a poem called the Zen of Python. The English is a little difficult to understand, but as your programming experience increases, you will slowly understand Python's design concepts, such as "Simplicity is better than Complexity" and "Readability Counts".

Guido van Rossum once tweeted: "Python is designed for a simpler and easier-to-use experience. This simplicity and ease of use is achieved through advanced technology and complex engineering." So Python's external simplicity is a manifestation of its internal complexity.

Powerful due to widespread use

Because Python is free and open source, all Python users are encouraged to write libraries and code modules with special functions.

Therefore, Python has an increasingly rich library of applications, and you can develop your own functions based on the work of others. Therefore, using Python development may only require a few lines of code to complete functions that would take hundreds or thousands of lines of code in other languages. Because you can use ready-made function libraries and modify parameters to complete a specific function. Instead of reinventing the wheel from scratch, you can start building your own results.

Python is the basic language of artificial intelligence AI

More and more AI developers are beginning to use Python to develop artificial intelligence databases. Users can use neural networks to process data and perform deep learning.

Establishing a corresponding relationship from input data A to output result B is the deep learning of artificial intelligence. Python is increasingly showing its advantages in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence, which is why Python has steadily risen in recent years to rank among the top three in popular language statistics.

Guido van Rossum once mentioned in a speech that the first version of Google search was written in Python because the idea of ​​the founder of Google at the time was to index web pages and sort the results, and Python was the most suitable and easiest language to implement this idea. Today, Google's main artificial intelligence AI library Tensorflow is based on the Python language.


Improvement of application in the workplace

In July 2018, The Economist magazine published an article titled "Python brings computer programming to a wider range of people". The article mentioned that the current trend is that more and more non-technical workers are beginning to learn programming to complete their daily work and improve work efficiency.

For example, banks and consulting firms are now beginning to offer internal programming training courses to analysts to improve the efficiency of data processing and analysis; the financial industry is beginning to use more programming to handle large amounts of news information and public opinion monitoring, and financial data processing is used for investment decision-making; marketing personnel can use programming to analyze the effectiveness of marketing activities, and sales personnel can obtain new sales opportunities through data acquisition and processing.

Python is particularly important for positions that rely heavily on Excel for data and word processing. For example, Citibank in the United States provides internal training in Python crash courses for new analysts. Python has a tendency to gradually replace Excel in the workplace.

In the future, more and more jobs will require programming skills, and programming or artificial intelligence will gradually replace repetitive jobs and positions. The disappearance of old jobs also brings opportunities for new jobs. The future industries and jobs will undergo great updates and changes, and programming will be a basic skill for the next generation of young people.

Impact on education

At present, Python has become the preferred language for teenagers to learn programming in the market. The domestic information technology curriculum outline is being updated, and it is expected that Python programming will also be included as a course content.

In the United States, Python has been used by computer departments of famous universities as an introductory programming language for college students. More than 70% of the top 40 computer departments in the United States offer Python as an introductory computer course.

Start learning with CodeCombat

CodeCombat is a world-renowned youth programming platform and the leading brand and preferred platform for teenagers and beginners to learn Python. Currently, CodeCombat, as the recommended learning platform for the AP computer principles course certified by the College Board of the United States, has entered a total of more than 30,000 primary and secondary schools and has more than 82,000 registered computer teachers.

We believe CodeCombat and Python together will bring programming to a larger and younger audience.

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