Python 入門教學介紹-基礎語法自學也能輕鬆上手!-AI4kids

Introduction to Python - You can easily learn the basic syntax by yourself! -AI4kids

For beginners who don't know which programming language to start with, the widely used Python has a concise basic syntax and a clear program structure. It is relatively easy to learn by yourself and is also very easy to use. Today I will introduce to you the basic grammar teaching of Python, and what you can do after learning Python? It allows you to learn easily and keep up with the era of IoT applications.

Introduction to Python: Basic syntax that can be self-taught even with zero foundation

Python is a widely used, interpreted and powerful high-level programming language. The code is highly readable and its syntax is close to English. Anyone with elementary or intermediate English skills can write code. In addition, compared to other programming languages, such as C or Java, Python commands are written more concisely and can achieve the same results with fewer codes. For learners, Python has a low learning threshold and is easier to understand.

The rapid development of big data and artificial intelligence in recent years mostly uses Python, which has made Python one of the most popular programming languages ​​in the world, ranking second only to C. Python has a rich and huge library. Due to its wide application, Python has more room for development and is faster, and the related learning resources are also richer.

What can Python do? Introduction to 4 major applications

Python has a wide range of applications, from small applications such as helping you handle repetitive tasks in your daily life and work, such as batch modifying file names, batch obtaining download links, etc., to large applications such as data analysis, crawlers, artificial intelligence, etc. Here are four well-known application areas:

  • Data analysis

Data analysis and processing can be said to be Python's strength. Python has many libraries dedicated to data analysis that can be easily used. Python not only integrates the rapidly maturing data mining capabilities of the R language, but also has the ability to build applications, systems or websites.

  • AI

Artificial intelligence is the main reason for Python's popularity. Artificial intelligence covers machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, etc., which can be widely supported and applied through Python's library.

  • Website Development

As Python's website development framework becomes more and more mature, among the hundreds of website development frameworks, the most popular and largest library related to the web framework is Django. Since the website development framework is a pre-set program architecture, it can make website development more efficient.

  • Web crawler

There are many programming languages ​​that can be used to write web crawlers, but the current mainstream is to use Python as a common language to execute web crawlers. Web crawlers have become the most common application of Python and are also the most suitable learning outcome target for beginners.

Introduction to the three major advantages of Python basic syntax

Although there are many powerful interpreted programming languages, Python has become the most widely used programming language in recent years, mainly because it has the following three major features:

  • Easy to understand and easy to get started

Python is the most friendly programming language for beginners. Its syntax is similar to English. When reading Python code, you can intuitively understand what the programming syntax means. Compared with other programming languages, Python is easy to write, debug, and learn. Even a single sentence of programming language can be executed, unlike other programming languages ​​that require additional learning of how to write program entry points before commands can be executed.

  • Powerful and widely used

Python's short code has powerful functions. It can directly develop graphical interface software through built-in libraries, directly handle web front-end and back-end development, and perform data analysis and crawler operations through built-in functions. Since Python is widely used, it will be easier to study other programming languages ​​once you have mastered it to a certain level.

  • High demand in the future

Nowadays, many hot topics and tasks require the use of Python programming syntax. From AI artificial computing, IoT computing, data analysis to autonomous driving, Python is used as the main programming language.

Python basics tutorial, easy to learn by yourself!

In Python, the most basic data types are the following three categories: strings (with parentheses before and after), integers, and floating-point numbers (numbers recorded after the decimal point).

  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Python

"Plus" sign: +

Minus sign: –

Multiplication sign: *

"Division sign": /

"Power": **

one = 1

two = 2

# Use the + symbol to do addition

print(one + two)

# Use the – symbol to perform subtraction

print(one – two)

# In Python, there is also the rule of multiplication and division before addition and subtraction. You can also use one or more sets of parentheses () to change the order of operations.

result = 2 + 3 * 4 # Multiplication and division first, then addition and subtraction


result = (2 + 3) * 4 # Use parentheses


  • Using logical statements in Python

In programming languages, logical judgment is often used. The following are the three most common logical judgment symbols:

"and": The answer is True only when both operands are True, otherwise it is False.

"or": As long as at least one of the two operands is True, it is judged as True, otherwise it is False.

"not": Invert True or False.

# “and” judgment 1

a = 3 > 2

b = 5 > 4

result = a and b


# “and” judgment 2

a = 3 < 2

b = 5 > 4

result = a and b


  • If condition in process control

In the process of writing programs, in addition to performing calculations and presenting results in the order of program codes, it is also often necessary to ask the computer to execute different content according to different situations, or to set conditions for the computer to repeat similar things. This concept is called "process control."

# Use the if condition to determine whether the money on the person is less than 100 yuan. If it is less than 100 yuan, print a crying face

money = 80

if money <=100:

print(': (')

# Use if, elif, else to set what to do in different situations

money = 150

what_to_buy = 'egg'

if money <=0:

print('No money, can't buy things: (')

elif what_to_buy == 'egg':

money = money – 80

print('I bought a box of eggs and paid the boss 80 yuan')


print('This store only sells eggs! If you want to buy other things, you have to go to another store')

Colaboratory: A cloud-based development environment for Python beginners

Colaboratory (Colab for short) is a free cloud development platform provided by Google that allows you to write and execute Python code in a browser, writing programs and performing calculations without occupying your own computer resources. In addition, Colab's interactive interface is very intuitive and suitable for beginners who are new to Python. In the Colab environment, you can use the GPU for free without any settings (no need to worry about your computer processor not being powerful enough), and you can share it just like co-editing files, eliminating a lot of tedious pre-work.

AI4kids' programming course uses Colab as a text editing tool. The teaching steps are as follows:

  1. Sign in using your Google Account.
  2. Copy a copy of the file (copy to drive) to your own cloud drive before editing it.
  3. Understand the block descriptions in Colab: text blocks can be used to edit text like in Word; code blocks can be used to annotate, type code, and execute code.
  4. After understanding the two types of cells in Colab, we need to learn how to operate these cells and execute code, which includes the following functions:
  • Connect to the cloud virtual machine (Connect)
  • Run Cell
  • Use shortcut keys to execute (Ctrl + Enter, Shift + Enter)
  • Move Blocks
  • Adding and deleting blocks

Ai4Kids' Python curriculum

The entry threshold of Python is much lower than other common programming languages, making it suitable for everyone to learn. The programming syntax is simple and easy to read, which is why it has become the most popular programming language learning program for students. The learning process can build up children’s confidence and sense of accomplishment, making programming language no longer a strange, unpopular and difficult subject. AI4kids has online programming courses for elementary, junior high and high school students, allowing children to easily learn by themselves and get started quickly at home!

  • Elementary and middle school students

    It is recommended to use CodeCombat's fascinating programming games and level challenges to allow children to gradually achieve learning achievements in an easy-to-understand way and build correct and solid programming skills. >>Click here to take a free programming course
  • High School Students:

    We have invited top software engineers in the industry to record video tutorials with rich and diverse content, including "Python Programming", from basic introductory to advanced data science, "Edge Computing and YOLO Implementation", "Machine Learning" and "Deep Learning", etc., to practice basic programming skills step by step! >>Click here to view online courses

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