CodeQuest, the world's largest youth programming competition
It has received attention from international media such as Bloomberg, Yahoo, and New York Times and is known as the World Cup of Youth Programming. Over the past three years, more than one million people have participated in the competition, with contestants from more than 70 countries. As the organizer of CodeQuest in Taiwan, AI4kids has joined hands with Nan Yi Publishing Group, the Chinese Association for Multiple Intelligence Education, and the Asia-Pacific ICE CHALLENGE to host the Taiwan qualifiers, which are divided into two stages: the winter and summer competitions. The winners of the domestic finals will be sent to participate in the CodeQuest global competition.
A global craze in 3 years
The first CodeQuest was jointly organized by Stanford University and CodeCombat in the United States. The competition was conducted in a competitive mode. Players could adjust their strategies and algorithms in a timely manner according to their opponents within the specified time, continuously optimize their programs and improve their global rankings.
The competition model has been recognized by competition organizations and academic institutions in many countries around the world and has become the youth programming competition with the largest number of participants in the world today.
The 2021 International Olympiad in Informatics will also include CodeQuest as part of its competition schedule.
- Primary School Grades 1-6
- Secondary School Grades 7-12
Previous Competition Achievements
Competition Rules and Registration
Refer to the CodeQuest competition website for instructionsWant to learn more? Click the button for more information!
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